Longest Snapchat Streak: Top Records & How to Keep Your Streak Alive

Snapchat streaks have become a significant part of the platform’s culture. Users strive to maintain streaks with their friends, leading to fun competition and a sense of accomplishment. In this guide, we’ll explore the longest Snapchat streaks ever recorded and share tips on how to keep your streak alive.

What Is a Snapchat Streak?

A Snapchat streak, also known as a Snapstreak, is a feature that tracks how many consecutive days two users send snaps to each other. When you and a friend exchange snaps (photos or videos) for three consecutive days, a streak is established. This streak continues as long as you both send at least one snap to each other every 24 hours.

How Snapchat Streaks Work

The key to a Snapchat streak is consistency. Both users must send a snap (not chat) to each other within 24 hours to keep the streak going. If you miss a day, the streak will reset to zero. Streaks are displayed with a fire or flame emoji 🔥 next to the friend’s name, along with a number that represents how many days the streak has been maintained.

The Importance of the Flame Emoji in Streaks

The flame emoji 🔥 is an indicator of an active Snapchat streak. It appears next to the friend’s name and is accompanied by the number of days the streak has been active. The flame emoji disappears if the streak is broken, serving as a reminder of the importance of maintaining daily snaps.

The Longest Snapchat Streak Ever Recorded

Current Record Holders of the Longest Streak

As of September 2024, the longest Snapchat streak ever recorded belongs to Hannah and Lauren Luckey with a streak of 3463+ days. These two users have maintained their Snapstreak since Snapchat introduced the feature on April 6, 2015.

Top 20 Longest Snapchat Streaks (2025 Edition)

Here’s a look at the top 20 longest Snapchat streaks as of 2025:

RankNamesSnapchat Streak (Days)
1Hannah and Lauren Luckey3463+
2Frankie and Laura3351+
3Dylan McCance and John3306+
4Pedram and Hadi3303+
5Carol Pappas and Lisa Glogower3296+
6Terence and Johhny3288+
7Emma and Sally3246+
8Jonas and Bosse3227+
9Robin and Nathan3219+
10Erin and MaLeah3201+
11Erica S and Eli3200+
12Ilyza and Daniel3193+
13Gwen and Evan3184+
14Kassidy and Mariah3153+
15Patrick Rothel and Whitt3137+
16Carly Frei and Maggie Frei3133+
17Joe and Michael3130+
18Ryan and Jeff3123+
19River Keller and Michael3121+
20Gus and Paige3112+

How the Longest Streaks Are Maintained

Maintaining a long Snapchat streak requires daily dedication. Users with long streaks tend to follow a strict routine of sending at least one snap a day, often setting reminders or alarms to ensure they don’t forget. They also communicate with their streak partners to make sure both parties are committed to maintaining the streak.

How to Start and Maintain a Snapchat Streak

Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Streak

  1. Choose a Streak Partner: Find a friend who is equally committed to starting and maintaining a streak.
  2. Send a Snap: Send your friend a snap (photo or video), and make sure they send one back.
  3. Keep Snapping: Exchange snaps daily for at least three consecutive days to establish the streak.
  4. Watch for the Flame Emoji: After three days of consistent snapping, a flame emoji 🔥 will appear next to your friend’s name, signaling the start of your streak.

Best Practices for Keeping Your Snapchat Streak Alive

  1. Set Daily Reminders: Use alarms or reminders to send snaps at the same time each day.
  2. Snap, Don’t Chat: Only snaps (photos or videos) count towards your streak, so avoid using chats to maintain it.
  3. Communicate with Your Friend: Make sure your streak partner is as committed as you are. If one of you misses a day, the streak will reset.
  4. Use Snapchat Features: Engage with Snapchat’s features like filters, lenses, and stickers to make your streak snaps more fun and engaging.

Common Mistakes That End Streaks and How to Avoid Them

  • Forgetting to Send a Snap: The most common way to lose a streak is by forgetting to send a snap within 24 hours. Set reminders to avoid this.
  • Using Chat Instead of Snap: Only snaps (photos or videos) count. Make sure you’re sending a snap, not just a message.
  • Technical Issues: Sometimes, technical issues or poor internet connection can prevent a snap from being sent. If this happens, resend the snap as soon as possible to avoid breaking the streak.

Myths and Misconceptions About Snapchat Streaks

Does Sending More Snaps Increase Your Streak Faster?

One common myth is that sending more snaps to a friend will make your streak grow faster. However, this is not true. Your Snapchat streak increases by one day only when you and your friend exchange at least one snap (photo or video) within 24 hours. No matter how many snaps you send, the streak will progress by just one day. The key to maintaining and growing your streak is consistency, not quantity.

What Really Happens If You Miss a Day?

If you and your friend miss a day of snapping, the flame emoji will disappear, and the streak will be broken. A missed day means that your streak counter will reset to zero. However, Snapchat gives you a warning in the form of an hourglass emoji ⏳ when your streak is about to end, indicating that you need to send a snap soon to keep it going. Once the streak is gone, it cannot be continued from where it left off.

Can You Get Your Streak Back After It’s Lost?

Yes, but only under certain conditions. If your Snapchat streak ends due to a technical issue, such as an app glitch or connectivity problems, Snapchat offers a way to recover it. You can report the issue to Snapchat through the app’s help center, explaining that your streak ended unfairly. If Snapchat finds that the issue was caused by something beyond your control, they might restore your streak. However, if the streak ended because you forgot to send a snap, there’s no way to bring it back.

Fun Facts About the Longest Snapchat Streaks

Top 5 Snapchat Streak Champions of All Time

The top 5 longest Snapchat streaks are held by some dedicated users who have maintained their streaks for over nine years. The current record holders, Hannah and Lauren Luckey, have an ongoing streak of 3463+ days as of September 2024. Other champions include Frankie and Laura with 3351+ days, Dylan McCance and John with 3306+ days, and Pedram and Hadi with 3303+ days. These streaks highlight the dedication some users have to maintaining their Snapchat connections.

Unofficial Streak Competitions Among Friends

Many Snapchat users engage in unofficial streak competitions with their friends, aiming to see who can maintain the longest streak. These friendly competitions create a sense of rivalry and fun, often involving creative snaps and reminders to ensure they don’t miss a day. Some users even set alarms or send “good morning” snaps every day to keep their streaks alive.

The Influence of Snapchat Streaks on Daily Social Media Habits

Snapchat streaks have a significant impact on how users engage with the app daily. Maintaining a streak often becomes a priority, influencing users to check the app and send at least one snap a day. For many, streaks are a way to stay connected with friends regularly, turning the simple act of sending a snap into a daily ritual. This daily interaction fosters stronger connections between friends and helps Snapchat maintain high levels of user engagement.


How long can a snap streak last?

There is no maximum limit on how long a Snapchat streak can last, as long as both participants continue to exchange snaps daily. The streak will keep going indefinitely as long as neither party misses the 24-hour window. Some streaks have lasted over nine years, showing just how long they can be maintained.

Is a Snapchat streak truly limited to 24 hours?

Yes, a Snapchat streak requires that both users send at least one snap (photo or video) to each other within a 24-hour period. If either user fails to send a snap before the 24 hours are up, the streak ends. Snapchat provides a warning through the hourglass emoji ⏳ when the streak is about to expire.

What happens when you reach 100 snap streak?

When you reach 100 days of a snap streak with a friend, Snapchat rewards you with the 💯 emoji next to your streak number. This milestone doesn’t affect the streak’s progression, but it serves as a fun marker of your consistent snapping. From here, the streak continues counting, and the flame emoji remains.

Who has the longest Snapchat streak?

As of September 2024, the longest Snapchat streak is held by Hannah and Lauren Luckey with a streak of 3463+ days. They have been maintaining this streak since Snapchat introduced the feature in April 2015. Their dedication to exchanging daily snaps has set the record for the longest streak ever recorded on the platform.

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